British Titanic Inquiry books

Here is a question for my brethren Titanic book collectors-

How many books have come out covering the British Titanic hearings?

As far as I know, there was the 1912 Journal Of Commerce publication, which seemed to summarize each day of the inquiry.

And then there was the recent printing through the UK Public Records Office of the whole uncut British Titanic inquiry.

A chum insists the 1912 British Titanic Inquiry was published in whole that year, and it covered more than one volume.

Is that true, or is the recent Public records office publication the FIRST time the UNCUT British hearings has been put to print?

Tarn Stephanos
Hallo Tarn - Not sure if I can answer your query precisely, but the PRO reproduction is a facsimile edition of a 1912 publication. Typeface, etc is all reproduced faithfully. The report and the minutes of evidence were published by his Majesty's Stationary Office, and were to be 'purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller from Wyman and Sons limited, Fetter Lane, E.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, S.W., or H.M. Stationery Office (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh, or E Ponsonby, Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin, or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T Fisher Unwin, London WC.' It was printed by James Truscott and Son, London, 1912.

It seems that the Report and the Minutes of Evidence were published in their entirety, possibly in two volumes, but both were published in 1912. It was also possible to purchase them through booksellers, as detailed above.

It would seem that each day's proceedings were also published by His Majesty's Stationary Office (to be purchased as per the details above), as the Lowe family still have Harold Lowe's copy of the minutes of evidence for the Thirteenth Day (22 May 1912) when he testified.
Hi Tarn, as Inger said, the British Inquiry was indeed published in its entirety in 1912, and was even available for sale. I don't believe there were multiple volumes (though I am not positive about this). what your friend might be thinking of is that apparently the Board's final 80 page report was printed separately from the complete text of the inquiry, which is the massive 1,000 page book.

Inger, I was not aware that each days proceedings were printed separately and made available for sale as the investigation continued. but considering the massive public interest, this makes perfect sense. that is very interesting news, and very cool!

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Hi Mike! There's a price on the daily proceedings of the investigation - one shilling and sixpence. It also looks like His Majesty's Stationary Office printed copies of the finding of the Senate Investigation, as the Lowe family also have a copy of Lowe's testimony in this format for Wednesday, 24 April 1912. Once again, purchase details are as for the British Inquiry above. While the bottom line says 'Price', the space next to it is empty and no price is given - I wonder how large the print run was on this item?
Thanks Michael and Inger!
So it would seem there were at least 4 publications from 1912 covering the British Titanic hearings-

(1) The Journal Of Commerce Publication

(2)The bound uncut Hearings Transcripts(possibly in two volumes)

(4) The daily proceedings publications(how many issues??)

(3)The Boards final 80 page report

Is this correct? I am convinced I once saw a 'volume 1" covering the British Titanic hearings.
And someone recently outbid me on Ebay for the Journal Of Commerce book! GRRRR!!!

Tarn Stephanos
Tarn, there was also this little gem:

Wreck Commissioner’s Court. Return of the Expenses Incurred by the Board of Trade and other Government Departments in Connection with the Inquiry into the Loss of the S.S. Titanic. 1st printing. n.p. 1913. . isbn: none. scarcity: very scarce.

a real page turner, I'd imagine. ;-)
Michael (TheManInBlack) T