Bulkhead arrangement around switchboard


I'm trying to understand the ship's arrangement around the Switchboard Platform.

The turbine room is separated from the generator room by watertight bulkhead M on the Tank Top deck. Above the Generator Room, on the Orlop Deck, just aft of the bulkhead is a trapezoid-shaped room where the ship's electrical switchboard was located. Immediately behind the switchboard room is a collection of rooms with a raised floor. Part of that area is labeled as "Air space over generators". All of the rooms surrounding this are food stores rooms.

I have two questions:

1. How did someone enter the switchboard room? I don't see any entry point on any of the diagrams I've seen. Does it open up into the turbine room? Was there a ladder from the generator room below?

2. What is the layout of this "Air Space over generators"? Is it part of the switchboard room? Is it simply an extension of the room below?
I don't have my copy of Titanic: The Ship Magnificent with me, but one thing common to all the boiler and engine room areas is that there were walkways (aka catwalks), inclined companionways and ladders that are not marked on the general arrangement plans. These platforms are shown in detail elsewhere in the book. I know there are a few spaces that don't seem to be accessible, and the answer is that they were accessed by the walkways and ladders. The same walkways explain how you get to the refrigeration plant and how you get out of the engine rooms and boiler rooms without going through a watertight door. Hopefully someone can post a more detailed explanation or a diagram.
I would very much like a diagram of the engineroom catwalks. However, even on the blueprints I am looking at, there are doors where the catwalks penetrate the engineroom casing. There are no such doors apparent which lead into the switchboard area, it is drawn as a sealed compartment.
I'm trying to understand the ship's arrangement around the Switchboard Platform.

The turbine room is separated from the generator room by watertight bulkhead M on the Tank Top deck. Above the Generator Room, on the Orlop Deck, just aft of the bulkhead is a trapezoid-shaped room where the ship's electrical switchboard was located. Immediately behind the switchboard room is a collection of rooms with a raised floor. Part of that area is labeled as "Air space over generators". All of the rooms surrounding this are food stores rooms.

I have two questions:

1. How did someone enter the switchboard room? I don't see any entry point on any of the diagrams I've seen. Does it open up into the turbine room? Was there a ladder from the generator room below?

2. What is the layout of this "Air Space over generators"? Is it part of the switchboard room? Is it simply an extension of the room below?
{1} the switch board room is accessed only by steps up from the dynamo catwalk below .
{2} the air space over generators is an extension of the room below .