C Deck Cabin Numbers

Hi All,

I am working a deckplan and I needed the correct cabin numbers for the Titanic on C Deck, the plans I am using as a reference I believe are for the Olympic. If anyone can provide this information I would appreciate it.

Best Regards,

Hello Brian,

C-deck room numbers: Briefly forward outside rooms: C-1 to C-39 and C-2 to C-46. Inside rooms C-41 to C-53 and C-48 to C-60

Main section: the Parlours C-55 aft to C-93 and C-62 aft to C-102. Inside rooms C-95 to C-127 and C-104 to C-148.

All numbering on the same system as for the Olympic Shipbuilder plans you have.
Hi Lester,

Yes I know about the arrangement on the Olympic, however on Titanic, how can six cabins fit into five spaces with the Purser? That is what baffles me as the numbering would not be correct.

Best Regards,

Hi Lester,

I sent you a reply to the email I sent earlier this morning.

So as I have it, the starboard inside cabins are to be C45, C47, C49, C51 C53, then what had been the C55 sitting room of the C Deck Parlor Suite now becomes the Purser's cabin?

What happens to the sitting room?

I have attached a deckplan for your review, hopefully it will clarify things.


Best Regards,

Hello Brian,

Do not use the plans on this web-site for C-deck as in the forward section they are one inside single-berth passenger cabin short on both the port-side and the starboard-side. - You need a C-58. - [Also with the outside rooms the private bathrooms are all wrong.]

Where you have the Purser; that is Sitting-room C-55. Put the Purser where C-53 is and reduce the size of rooms C-45 to C-53. The same on the port-side reduce the size of the rooms C-50 to C-60 so that you have 6 rooms.
Why don't you use the Shipbuilder plans you have for the basic structure. C-40 and the Clock room are now C-40 to C-46; so overall the rooms in the main section of C-deck on the port-side are 3 numbers higher, while with the loss of the after starboard-side inside single-berth room at the forward end of the deck the main section starboard-room numbers are 1 less.

As I said in an earlier post:
C-deck room numbers: Briefly forward outside rooms: C-1 to C-39 and C-2 to C-46. Inside rooms C-41 to C-53 and C-48 to C-60
Main section: the Parlours C-55 aft to C-93 and C-62 aft to C-102. Inside rooms C-95 to C-127 and C-104 to C-148.
Hi Lester,

Thank you for the scan, it was most useful.

Please visit my webpage where I have posted my deck plan project so far. The link is not yet public, so I have emailed it to you.

Please review my coinfiguration, especially on the outside private bathrooms and let me know what needs changed if anything.

Best Regards,


I am hoping that this question hasn't been asked and answered somewhere else, but I have already been searching for about three hours and have either missed it, or it isn't there.

I know that the C-deck parlour suites were C55-57 and C62-64. Where were these located? I know that C55-57 were starboard and the other port, but I cannot tell on the deck plans where they would be located since nothing is numbered. I did read somewhere else about Bruce Beveridge's plans and have now ordered them from THS, but before they arrive, I am curious to know at least if they are closer to the bow or the stern? I am assuming that they were outside cabins, but I could be wrong. Also, I am wondering if they were located near the Grand Staircase?

Was the bow the preferred end of the ship?

I would appreciate any help that I can get. It seems odd sitting here at my computer, but I am so lost that I'm certain that I'll never find my way around this ship!


If memory serves, the parlour suites were in close proximity to the C-deck foyer of the Grand Staircase, at the head of the long passageways leading aft. The starboard suite, C55-57, was next door to the first-class purser's office. Hence, they were nearer to the bow than the stern.

Although incorrectly labelled look at the plans three posts above your first one and at my reply. The room labelled PURS is sitting room C-55. In Fare Rate booklets the Parlour Suites comprised C-55, 57, 59 and C-62, 64, 66.
Thanks Lester,

Funny as I looked at this last night for over three hours, I couldn't see where the purser's cabin had been marked. It seems to have suddenly appeared today!;)

This is exactly the help that I needed.

The First Class Deck plans enclosed w/"The Maiden Voyage" have everything labeled very nicely. I'd really like to have it framed in museum glass so I don't have to spread it on my floor when I want to look at it. But five hundred+ dollars to frame something is a bit out of my range for readies just now!
Thanks Jonathan,

I am just beginning my Titanic journey. I have several books, "Ghosts of the Abyss", and "Titanic An Illustrated History." I should say that my 7-year-old has them. I am borrowing them for my own information now, but while the "Titanic-An Illustrated History" has a wonderful cut-away fold-out section, the cabins weren't labeled.

Over the next little while, I can tell that I will be building on our Titanic library.
