Cameron's 200I expedition video

Dear Jonathon,

I recommend that you have a look in TITANIC BOOKS and TITANIC MOVIES. Here you will find plenty about GHOSTS OF THE ABYSS to answer your question and some! Of particular note are the posts of Parks Stevenson who worked with Cameron on the project.

Happy hunting! :)

Its not on DVD/VHS yet but everyone is hoping that they will put in out. Someone told me if they do, it will be around Christmas.

I just saw this thread; otherwise, I might have chimed in sooner. Earthship Productions has already handed the home-release edit of GotA over to the distributor, Disney. Disney has the option of releasing the film in either 3D or 2D format. As of this writing, I have no idea which way they will take it. I do not know if a VHS version of GotA is being considered, I have only heard of a DVD version. I have not yet heard a release date come out of Disney, although there was some talk of having it out by Christmas at the latest. We'll just have to wait and see.

good evening...

I am living in Paris, and the movie was only released this week. as i am interested a lot in TITANIC, i went to see it and think it was great, except one thing... maybe nobody will agree with me.... but i am saying...
the shooting was wonderfully done, and comments were very good. also the fact that it is in 3D tech is quite impressive for images of such a place...
the dark point of the movie is that i don't see what was the use of filming inside the cabins, just to say this was the place where this person was bathing, this was the place where this person was sleeping... couldn't it have been made just like "this was how people were living at the beginning of the century, the boat was one of the most luxurious and all...??? "
I believe something is disturbing with getting inside the cabins, and even inside the boat.... outside is ok, trying to understand the living of this time but just looking for places of where famous people were living, and died this is just a NO NO for me.

By the way this lead me to a question : i thought the families of the victims refused anyone got into the boat? so what happened then?

anyone to share his/her views with me most welcome.
If Ghosts of the Abyss is coming to video/DVD, a press release is usually sent out to various trade papers, major magazines who do video/DVD reviews, etc. If the title were to come to video/DVD by Christmas, I would think a press release would already be out announcing a release least that's the way we did it when I worked for Warner Bros. Publicity.

Watch something like The Hollywood Reporter or Variety. Or call the studio Home Entertainment Department itself. If a press release has been issued, then they will glady give you the release date over the phone along with a price. But if the release date hasn't been approved yet, then they will not give you a clue about it coming to video.

Most studios do release their major titles just before Christmas so they can make more bucks.

I guess in the end, it all revolves around whether it is a good money making venture.
Is the documentary to which you're referring the Fox television special "Titanic: Breaking New Ground"? It blended Cameron's expedition with the making of the movie, and was narrated by Peter Coyote. You can read about it here:

However, it does not appear to be commercially available.
>>Mr. Burton is asking about Cameron, not Ballard.<<'re right! Next time, I need to drink some stronger coffee!

I tried searching the site for it, but it doesn't seem to be available. I suppose if somebody wants it, they'll just have to record it if it's shown again.