Captain Henry Kendall’s actions

So I enjoy branching out to other ships. Watched an Empress of Ireland documentary a couple months back, watched it again last night. It was “The Last Voyage of the Empress of Ireland” I think. I really enjoyed it! One thing that interested me was the collision between the Storstad and the Empress.

In 1914, the Empress of Ireland was heading up (or down?) the St. Lawrence River in Ireland. About 6 points ahead was another ship, the Storstad. Captain Henry changed course to avoid colliding. But, when they got closer, fog enveloped the two ships. Then BOOM! Captain Kendall collided with the Storstad. The Empress of Ireland sank in 14 minutes, killing many.
At the Inquiry, Cap’m Kendall claimed, that he had stopped the Empress of Ireland and after 6 or so minutes, the Storstad collided with them. He then said he ordered the WTDs closed. However, the Captain of the Storstad told a different story, that the Empress came out of the fog, and struck them. The blame however, was placed entirely on the Storstad!

after diving into the Empress’s hull, and getting into the Engine Room (her engines looked a lot like Titanic’s!) they found the telegraphs in perfect condition, and the lever was still at Full Ahead, and not the “Close Watertight Doors”.

But what are y’alls opinions on Captain Henry’s actions? What would you do differently?
Oh here's a pic of the Empress's Telegraph showing Full Ahead


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Intresting... Sometimes we instinctively lie in favor of ourselves, especially when you and another person are being interrogated for the deaths of one and a half thousand people. It intrigues me, though, if the telegraphs are set to full ahead, the ship would have sank while still moving, such as like the Lusitania. Thus something states that the Empress was surely moving at the time of the collision.
Intresting... Sometimes we instinctively lie in favor of ourselves, especially when you and another person are being interrogated for the deaths of one and a half thousand people. It intrigues me, though, if the telegraphs are set to full ahead, the ship would have sank while still moving, such as like the Lusitania. Thus something states that the Empress was surely moving at the time of the collision.
Agreed. The documentary "The Last Voyage of the Empress of Ireland" suggested that Captain Kendall had a schedule to keep, and so he took the shortest route, and inadvertently struck the Storstad. Perhaps he lied, for the reason you suggested. Or, maybe he didn't want to become the "next" Stanely Lord? How well was Captain Lord's case known in 1914?
That's an interesting pic. Thanks for posting it. But I have to wonder with all the dives to her over the years how would one know that telegraph hasn't been messed with? Before she got a protected status it was finders keepers and do whatever you wanted on the wreck.