Carl Olof Jansson

Is there any record of who Jansson's roommates were and if any of them survived? I know that he was acquainted with fellow Swedes and survivors August Wennerstrom & Gunnar Tenglin through their socialist activities in Sweden; also, according to ET, on board the Titanic he made friends with Johan Asplund and Einar Karlsson. But it is not certain if any of them were in the same cabin as Jansson.

In his bio, it says that he was in a forward cabin near the bow and was woken-up by the collision. It must have been some jolt because he rushed out to the upper deck without shoes (according to him). When he got back to his cabin to dress more warmly, his cabin was already taking in water and so he had to hurry back to the deck. He does not mention any obstacles to that and so I am guessing that he was back on the boat deck fairly early. And yet, he did not get into any lifeboat that was launched properly, including Lifeboats #13 and #15 on which there were many fellow Swedes. He was still on the boat deck when the 'wave' hit and washed him overboard; he was one of relatively few who managed to swim and reach the waterlogged Collapsible A, probably just after Wennerstrom and about the same time as Richard Williams.

Jansson admitted that he had to push away some people who were clinging on to the sides of Collapsible A and were struggling to climb on board. That must have left terrible memories afterwards; I have read that others might have done the same thing but don't recall any other survivor on Collapsible a specifically admitting it like Jansson did.