CGI and Model Shots

Which shipwreck film did you like considering the CGI or Model shots of the ship?

1. A Night to Remember
2. 1972 Poseidon
3. Raise the Titanic!
4. Titanic 1996
5. Titanic 1997
6. Britannic
7. Ghost Ship
8. 2005 Poseidon
9. 2006 Poseidon

Personally, I like them all!
1. ANTR has some awkward model shots...esp the angle before the final plunge. The center of gravity is not correct.

2. Poseidon Adventure is really good. I think that the capsizing scene looks extremely realistic.

3. Raise the Titanic - they poured a lot of money into the effects for this film and it shows. That raising scene makes the movie. The rest of it, hit the fast forward button.

4. Titanic 96 is, IMO, a waste of good video tape that may have been better used for a remake of Pink Lady and Jeff.

5. Titanic 97 is the best sinking SFX of any Titanic film and possibly the best shipwreck flick SFX in history. The rest of the movie has its short-comings, though. But the sinking sequence is pretty bang-up.

6. Britannic is total CGI and it shows. Animated to the hilt. May as well watch Snow White to see less animation. Rubbish.

7. Ghost Ship also rubbish. 'nuff said.

8. Poseidon 05, rubbish to the third power.

9. Poseidon 06, not bad. Original was better.

Where are Titanic 53? Titanic 43? If you're going to make a comprehensive list, you should really do research to exhaust all options.

Didn't you post the same thread last week?
My own opinions are as follows:

1. Agree with you
2. Agree
3. Agree
4. Sinking looks good, but covered by too many other shots
6. Ship looks good, water is bad
7. Ship could have been better
8. Kind of like 2006 Poseidon, not so intense as original 1972 Poseidon
9. Agree

Basic idea as previous thread, but revised.

Yeah I have...not so much for me. I thought that the ship crashing into the pier was a little over-the-top.

Superman Returns has a good sinking scene. A spikey rock grows up and impales the ship, breaking it in half with Lois and her kid and husband stuck in the galley. Pretty wild.
I looked at the video of the sinking boat from "Superman Returns" on YouTube, but unfortunately, the video didn't have very good quality. It was still impressive, though.

Can you tell me how the Titanic sinks in the following films:

1. In Nacht Und Eis
2. Atlantic
3. Titanic 1943
4. Titanic 1953
5. SOS Titanic

That 1953 scene made me cry. It was so sad that the little boy lost his life. It's a good thing that modern ships have learned many lessons from the Titanic disaster.
One more thing, I now understand why the original Poseidon Adventure is awesome! Among other things, it's the easiest to follow and understand!
Never mind, I found the clip of the ship sinking in "The Last Voyage" on YouTube and watched it myself. The ending was confusing, though. Was that a funnel or the stern of the ship? It's a shame the Ile De France was used for the sinking.
Hi Zack -

A couple of things:

1) The Ile de France was submerged for the interior flooding scenes and the scene when they were running along the deck at the end. The anti-climactic sinking at the end was, well, I don't know was pathetic is what it was.

2) Poseidon Adventure is so awesome because it relied on character development to make it interesting. As far as effects, it was so cool because it was done with some models and *real* sets rather than a bunch of green screened CGI. Everything that they were reacting to was real.