Charles Edward Dahl

Acording to the book Titanic 31 Norwegian Destinies written by Per Christian Sebak, Mr Dahl, a vere adventurous Norwegian/ Australian survivor, had an illegitimate son named Oddleif born 1915. In the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten there is an interview with Oddleif Dahl. He shows what his father found and took with him while he was in Ural to dig after gold. Charles Dahl bought a camera in Scotland before he went to Russia. There are also two pictures Charles took while he was there in the article.
I am sure the Aftenposten will be able to supply the article to any Titanic enthusiasts if anybody interested.
I must admit that the interwiew with Oddleif Dahl was a 1 April fool joke. However, he was a son of Charles Dahl, and he was born in 1915. I do not know what became of him. It is also true that Charles went to Russia to dig gold, and that he bought a camera in Scotland
This is the only picture of the Norwegian 3rd class passenger Karl Edvart Dahl (1866-1933), also as known as Charles Edward Dahl when he lived in Australia.

The picture is taken in 1916 when he married to Hansine Dahl.

They both are buried in Tromsø, Norway.

Charles Edward Dahl : Titanic Survivor

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