Charles Fardon (Franklin)

does anyone have any further info about a 3rd class passenger named Charles Fardon (aged 38) but travelled under the name Charles Franklin, he boarded at Cherbourg?
He was our great, great uncle so any further information would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
There was an article in The Northampton Independent about him April 20 1912:

"A Wellingborough carpenter, Mr Charles Fardon, a middle aged man, left Wellingborough on Easter Monday to sail on the Titanic and as nothing has been heard of him it is feared that he is among the drowned.

Before his departure Fardon told his friends that he should book in the name of Charles Franklin and that name appears among the drowned. His wife, who is blind, is left destitute".

I wonder why Charles needed to travel under an assumed name. He was just an ordinary workman. I doubt that he was involved in ny gambling activities or something like that.
The entry for Farden in Craig Stringer's Titanic People suggests that the burden of caring for his disabled wife had become too much for him, and that he 'decided to flee' to Canada. That would fit with a desire to cover his tracks.