Charles John Rice

Attached are a photo of Charles Rice (who is basically my step-great-grandfather) and an article about his surprise reappearance. William Magoolaghan (b.1901) noted in the article above was my grandfather, and while he was a wonderful, sweet natured person, his father (William) was a piece of work who abandoned my great grandmother (Mary Ann Magoolaghan) and ended up fighting for both the British and the Americans in WWI before relocating to New York in 1918 and becoming a US citizen & remarrying. He actually had 3 more children with Mary after having my grandfather (John, 1905-1909; Henry, 1906-1968; and Alfred, 1909-1926). In a letter from Henry written in 1936, Charles Rice is noted as being a wonderful man who stuck by my great grandmother's side through thick and thin. I have a photo of them at my grandfather's wedding in 1925, and I think it is unlikely that Charles & Mary were estranged before her death in 1927. Although their daughter Christina (1912-1995) had Charlie's last name 'Rice', I do not believe Charles and Mary were ever married (as she had never been divorced from William).
I tried to upload a picture & article I have regarding Charles Rice. If you are interested (or if you have any photos of Charles and my great-grandmother), please contact me.
Charles Rice was my grandfather's brother (Richard Rice ) I remember him and knew his daughter Christina (Chrissie) I am also In contact with her daughters. He was a nice man and we're all proud of him .