Charles Wilhelms

Hi Andrew, will let Brian Meister respond more fully as he is very good friends with this man's family--but yes, he has been tracked down.

Hey Andrew,

George returned to England where he lived until his death on 15 February 1940. If I'm not mistaken, I think he was living in Ilford, Essex and was 59-years-old when he died but will have to check the certificate to confirm.

Hope this helps.

Hi Andrew,

Yes I did. I was answering someone's e-mail about George Rosenshine at the same time, and it caused the confusion. Me thinks it's time to take that week long vacation. The brain starts to shut down at the end of a work week - Happy Hour is almost here.

Take care,


Does anyone have any aditional info on him? Has he been tracked down?
For starters, his name was not Charles Wilhelms but Charles Whilems. His father was a Frenchman. He was rescued on Lifeboat #9.

Whilems is sometimes confused with another British survivor from Second Class, Charles Williams who also had a "French Connection" in that his mother was half-French.