The Allsion and Hays families have been much on my mind since the visit to Ottawa last week. Have put together a little page for you on Hays' last project, the Chateau .
BTW, when did the Canadian Pacific (now Fairmont) take over the Laurier?
The pictures reminded me of two of the other grand hotels, both owned by Fairmont, the Chateau Frontenac and the Chateau Lake Louise.
I was able to stay at both of these hotel resorts; for a future trip, to Canada, I will have to stay at the Laurier.
CP bouught the CN hotel chain in 1988 (was Hays rolling in his grave?). There are other chateau-style hotels across Canada (Fort Garry, Macdonald, Banff Springs, etc.) and it is a unique Canadian railway hotel-style architecture.
This article is 10 years old and has 1989 instead of 1988 as the CP purhcase date, but may shed some additional light on this subject. It was originally presented to the THS 1992 convention in Boston.
Well, I finally paid a visit today at Chí¢teau Laurier, and I must say it was pretty impressive. The first portrait hanging in the picture gallery there (which traces the evolution and history of the Chí¢teau throughout time, from it's building in 1909 to present day) is that of our very own C. M. Hays. It was great!