Children Under 15 Whose Bodies were buried

Melinda R

Forgive me if this has been covered. But would the following statistics be correct:

Of the 61 children (14 and under) who died on the Titanic, there were only three who were buried:
Sidney Goodwin age 1 Body #4 (Known as the "Titanic Baby" buried in Halifax cemetery
Anthony William Sage age 12 Body #67 (Buried at sea)
Walter John Van Billiard age 15 Body #1 (Arrived in Halifax and then shipped to Pennsylvania)

If so, this seems to be a disproportionate percentage of adult bodies recovered than children's bodies? Can anyone hazard a guess as to why?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I think you are right on the numbers, but I don't know the reason, other than adult bodies being larger and perhaps easier to spot in the water. But that is just a guess.
Understand the time period but that should not be the reason for only four bodies to be recovered and buried. Thanks for the info.

It will be three (children's) bodies, unless you consider body 328 to be somebody other than Hileni Zabour (possible because body 328 is on this website's page for unidentified bodies despite body 328 possibly being Zabour's) or 15 year old Hileni Zabour to be a child for a fourth child body.