Correlating intial flooding

Arun Vajpey

I am trying to get a mental picture of the flooding of the Titanic in the first 10 minutes or so after the collision. Based on survivor accounts at the time and modern working-out, I would like to know the order and approximate times in which the following events could have happened. If some one could show it graphically inter-relating those events, I would be very grateful.

- The hissing sound that woke lamp trimmer Samuel Hemming as the inrush of water into the forepeak displaced air above it.
- When fireman Charles Hendrickson noticed water swirling around at the foot of the staircase that led to the firemen's quarters.
- When Daniel Buckley and (?) Carl Jansson saw water seep into their compartment. How rapidly did their accommodations flood? (NB: I am not sure of those two men shared the same compartment)
- When the post office area began to flood. Soon afterwards a Mr & Mrs Chambers are reported to have watched this. Did Captain Smith briefly stop by here during his damage inspection trip?