Corridors correct size

Time for help from the mavens. I've checked the deckplans on this site, in Shipbuilder, and elsewhere, but remain in need of your expertise. At the L.A. Titanica exhibit, visitors go from the boarding ramp into a "B" level 1st class corridor, with doors on either side. It does not appear from the plans that this matches reality. Also, the doors appear to be too small (at least by today's standards, but maybe they were correct for then), and frankly they seem too close together.
This is the same exhibit that was previously in Chicago, and there is also one in Detroit (I don't know how it differs).
I don't recall seeing any pix of corridors in the multidude of Titanic books. If you heve accurate descriptions, or dimensions, help would be welcome.
There are really know photographs of any B-C corridors, but there is now an identified E-deck passageway, and that may help you with the width. Though the photographer was in widest part of the passageway. Check out the photo in Marriott's Titanic. There is also a photograph of it in the thread: "What was the decor of the passageways" further down the main page. I think it's in the archives. Hopefully some else will be able to give some dimensions.

All the best,
