Crew corridors on B deck

Hey everyone! I was exploring B deck in the demo of Titanic Honor and Glory (very promising, I'm excited to see it finished) and found 2 doors labeled crew only, one in each side of the deck. Upon looking at the deckplans, they seem to be just 2 corridors that have nothing inside them, and that lead nowhere, just to a small window. Does anyone know what their use was? I'll attach a picture of the deckplans

Thank u guys

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-26 a les 15.42.48.png
Hey everyone! I was exploring B deck in the demo of Titanic Honor and Glory (very promising, I'm excited to see it finished) and found 2 doors labeled crew only, one in each side of the deck. Upon looking at the deckplans, they seem to be just 2 corridors that have nothing inside them, and that lead nowhere, just to a small window. Does anyone know what their use was? I'll attach a picture of the deckplans

Thank u guys

View attachment 76796
Those are expansion joint corridors on B-Deck.
One of them is still intact on the Aft "Tower"
RMST Inc, 2010
remaining C or B-Deck hallway view 2, 2010.PNG

hopes this helps!
That symbol is the standard notation for a valve on a piping and instrumentation diagram
Unfortunately, the deck plan is NOT a piping and instrumentation diagram. The symbol is indeed used for watertight doors, but also for the elevators, so I assume it indicates a horizontal sliding door.
It's specifically the symbol for a gate valve, which if you think about it, functions hydrodynamically in the exact same way a water-tight door does, so I do wonder if the congruence was intentional.