Crew US Inquiry

Hanco Bol


I have two photo postcards which were posted May 15, 1912. These photos were taken by two tourists from Titanic crew members during the Titanic US Inquiry in Washington. Does anybody know which crew members are shown on the photos? I think there are totally 6 crew members shown. The first photo is with the two tourists, the second photo including one tourist.

A US Inquiry crew photo was auctioned last year showing Archer, Fleet, Symons, Clench, Bright, Hogg, Moore, Osman and Etches.

Thank you in advance for your response.



Look in the book Titanic Voices: Memories from the Fateful Voyage. One of the pages, I've forgotten which, shows these photos and I think tells who the crew are. I only read that book a month ago, in fact.

I can try to identify some of them from the first photo. The one on the far left, he looks a bit like Quartermaster Rowe, though I cannot be sure. Far right I think is Symons, with Moore next to him. The one fourth from left, in the middle, might be Bright, or Bright could be second from left?

That's all I can tell you now. I'll post more up if I find anything. For now, try looking into the book.
Okay, I did more research and have got the names for some. Symons is far right, with Moore to his left. Rowe is on the far left, and I think Archer is fourth from left. Osman is the tall one in the middle.

I should think that Bright is second from left, but I can't be 100% sure.
I believe the identities of the persons in these photos are as follows:
1st photo: Rowe, Archer, Senator Fletcher, Olliver, ?, Perkis, Moore, Symons (the '?' is another US Senator, I believe.)

2nd Photo: Symons, Rowe, Archer, Senator Fletcher, Moore, Olliver, Perkis

I've been trying to find a way to get in touch with you to ask you a question about another photo. If you happen to see this and have a minute, could you drop me a PM through the message board? Thanks!