Deep Ocean Expeditions 2005 trek to the Titanic

"Deep Ocean Expeditions", the company that brings the paying public on visits to the Bismark and Titanic wrecks, is returning to Titanic this summer.
They will be using the Keldysh and Mir subs, so I think once the Cameron expedition is over, the Keldsh will pick up the "Deep Ocean expeditions" passengers.
I understand thier 2005 Titanic trip is booked solid- Anyone here on ET slated to go on thier 2005 Titanic expedition?


Tarn Stephanos
Anyone here planning to see Titanic via DOE?
I expect to go in 2006, albiet as a non diving passenger....
Just imagine what things will be like in 2012!
I think a German woman who paid to make the dive a few years back posted some photos on ET, but I cant find that thread....


tarn Stephanos
Hi Tarn,

Here's the link to Brigitte Saar's article:

Best regards,

Does anybody know how much it costs to go on one of these expeditions and how much it costs to go as a non-diver? Is there a website with a price list and an expedition schedule? Thanks anyone who can help.
