Deep Ocean Expeditions 2007 Dive

DEAR FRIENDS: I am finalsita to comprise of the next expedition to the Titanic organized by Deep Ocean and to the voting it has it I publish.

To enter If pidfe to choose country to cliclear in Argentinean Cliclear “VORA BY FAVORITE TU APRTICIPANTE” (extreme straight inferior of the screen) To do clik in MAURO ZUNGRI To put so that you vote to me Cliclear “REGISTRARTE” that says in small letters color to it orange later to return to porner your email and password and it must aprecer a poster that says CONGRATULATIONS, just there habras completed the voting
DOE is quite legitimate, and a fantastic group, run by good people- My communications with them have been very positive.
They are real, legitimate and honest.
I have a good friend who made the dive to Titanic several times through Deep Ocean Expeditions- and he's going back for more!And if I can save my pennies, i will do the same.


Tarn Stephanos
Bad news- it's official, Deep Ocean Expeditions will not be diving on Titanic this year- The Russians have other plans for the Keldish research ship and the MIR subs this year...
Lets hope DOE will go back to Titanic in 2008. Odds are most of us who want to visit Titanic in person will only have that opportunity via DOE....
A friend who paid to make the dive via DOE said the experience was amazing......


Tarn Stephanos

[Moderator's note: This post, originally posted in another thread has been moved to the pre-existing one addressing the same subject. JDT]