
I may have no list with names but I can name the names of the draughtsmen at the drawing offices in 1912:

Thomas Andrews Jr: managing director of the drawing offices and manager of the construction works

Edward Wilding: naval architect and deputy of Thomas Andrews Jr

Arthur Moffatt: naval architect
Roderick Chisholm: chief draughtsman
William James Smith: assistant chief draughtsman
Thompson Hamilton: Sectary of Thomas Andrews Jr
Henry P Harland: draughtsman
Archibald Hastings: draughtsman
Samuel J Donnelly: draughtsman
Ambrose Willis: Draughtsman
William Armstrong: draughtsman
Weston Grimshaw: draughtsman
Thomas A Smith: draughtsman

I hope this may help.

Yours sincerely,

How kind of you - thank you very much. His name is not there, but what that means I don't know - possibly it is a matter of the date as he died in the April, from, I was told, stomach cancer. Perhaps he was hospitalised for a period.
Once again, many thanks,

How kind of you - thank you very much. His name is not there, but what that means I don't know - possibly it is a matter of the date as he died in the April, from, I was told, stomach cancer. Perhaps he was hospitalised for a period.
Once again, many thanks,

Pragmatist, Let me know a name and date and I can check for you. The wages ledgers are still preserved in Belfast at PRONI. I have photographs of every page of these ledgers between September 1881 and January 1912. I would have photographed more, but PRONI is closed due to the pandemic.

Thomas Krom gave a good partial list above. On that list is Samuel James Donnelly, my Great Uncle.

Mark Doherty
Thank you Mark,
The family name is Kerrigan. I am sorry to be so vague, but I must have been exceedingly incurious as a child, as I never asked my father about his parents in any detail. I suppose that, unlike my maternal granparents, whom we kids knew fairly well, the fact that they never featured in our lives at all is probably the reason for that. Strange as it may seem, I got what information I have from my mother after my father's death - it was she who told me that my grandfather was one of the design team at H & W and was to be on the snagging team for the voyage, but that he died the same month.

Again, many thanks.

If my mind serves me right there was a James Kerrigan (who was in his early 40s) who was a draughtsman at Harland and Wolff. He wasn't born in Ulster, he came from Scotland and lived outside of Belfast at the time.
My grandfather John Russell was a Draughtsman for H and W in Belfast and on the south coast during WW1 as a 'temporary gentleman lieutenant'. He got his ticket as some kind of ships engineer in 1917 from the Superintendent who asked him to work in his own office, maybe in Southampton, doing troopship conversions. He lived from 1890 to 1934 dying young from pulmonary TB, common in those days. I asked H and W if they had a record of his employment but they replied that the records had been destroyed in the Belfast Blitz and other raids. My mother was born in 1931, so only knew him briefly. Any information would be welcome as I plan to put a stone on his grave at Clough non-subscribing Presbyterian church this year, near the family home. He had many siblings and descendants, all fine folk.
John Russell Scott, Canada. My son Chris Russell Scott is also an engineer and a lover of laughter and good company.
My grandfather John Russell was a Draughtsman for H and W in Belfast and on the south coast during WW1 as a 'temporary gentleman lieutenant'. He got his ticket as some kind of ships engineer in 1917 from the Superintendent who asked him to work in his own office, maybe in Southampton, doing troopship conversions. He lived from 1890 to 1934 dying young from pulmonary TB, common in those days. I asked H and W if they had a record of his employment but they replied that the records had been destroyed in the Belfast Blitz and other raids. My mother was born in 1931, so only knew him briefly. Any information would be welcome as I plan to put a stone on his grave at Clough non-subscribing Presbyterian church this year, near the family home. He had many siblings and descendants, all fine folk.
John Russell Scott, Canada. My son Chris Russell Scott is also an engineer and a lover of laughter and good company.
What were the names of your great-grandparents, I'm looking for him in the Irish Census of 1911 right now.