Did the First Class Lounge flood?

Ricky B


I am just wondering the extent of how much the First Class Lounge on A deck flooded before the break-up. Surely the water reached up the corridor from the Grand Staircase and flooded the Reading and Writing room (as well as through this room's windows from the outside).

If the Reading and Writing room was eventually submerged in water (which it may not have been), how much of the lounge was affected by the flooding? Was it to the first sets of outer seating in the vestibule areas and the fireplace, half of the room? If so, how deep?...

Many thanks
When the Titanic began its plunge, forward boat deck to poop deck, the waterline inside and out is assumed to be fairly the same. When the ship broke apart, the base of the third funnel was almost touching the water. With the lounge being just forward of that, I would say a great deal of the lounge had been flooded probably seconds before the break.