Dr Ballard's New Expedition

Paul Lee

Hi all,
I've been on holiday for the last week and a half and I feel a bit out of it. I thought Ballard's "urgent" expedition had started? If so, has there been any interesting information from it?
I looked in the UK satellite magazine for June 7th for the live broadcast, but there was nothing mentioned on the National Geographic channel....has the UK been left out again?

Best wishes


Hi Paul,
The expedition departs this Thursday and will be out there for 11 days. The documentary will air here in the US on June 7th on the Discovery Channel at 9:00 P.M. I'll see if I can find out about an airtime in the UK. I know it is going to be shown there.

Those of us who attended Capt. Weeks' forum at Maine Maritime got an advanced look at this new Ballard expedition. He is working with NOAA's Maritime Archeaological Program, which is headed by a MMA alumnus, LtJG Jeremy B. Weirich.

Lt. Weirich showed us some of the photomosaic which is being prepared to compare Titanic now to Titanic when Ballard discovered it. There is some science here, learning about the rates of decay in the ocean environment. There is also something to be learned about the human aspect of the ship's deterioration.

The detail of the new photomosaic should be fantastic, if what Lt. Weirich showed us is any indication.

-- David G. Brown
But we've all seen, from one expedition to the next, the decay in the wreck; what Ballard sees one day soon will be different from what he'd see in a month, or next year; so I see no point in the stated purpose of this expedtion. He's not diving down there personally, and there's not going to be any stunning interior 'Jake & Elwood' style work done; he'll be doing nothing new.

Still, he's got another book and TV deal out of it...nothing new there, either!

'Ballard returns to the Titanic'...the ego has landed.
I'm not so sure we won't be getting something new out of it. While the deterioration has been documented, what's out there is piecemeal and doesn't give the whole picture. This expedition intends to do exactly that: Give the complete picture.

I'll take it.
Hi everyone. I just wanted to ask about web references about that expedition. Is there any site providing information about this project?
Thanks a lot
Well, NOAA has my "wish list." There are very specific things that Weirich and his crew can look for externally with their equipment that will help set the stage for a future interior exploration. There are other specific areas that can be examined that might give us more of an indication about how the ship foundered.

And that's just the forensic aspect to the expedition, which is really secondary to the scientific. I'm aware that the scientists have quite a full agenda to fulfill.

I see much potential for new information coming out of this expedition. Don't be distracted by Ballard...look instead at what the NOAA crew and scientists will be doing.

G'day Pedro,

Click HERE for information about the expedition.

Best regards,

I checked with Natl. Geog. and they tell me that no date has been set for airing the documentary in the UK. Here is will air June 7th at 9:00 P.M. on the Discovery Channel.
The NOAA research vessel Ballard will use on the expedition is tied up at the US Coast Guard base in Boston harbor;they are awaiting the arrival of equipment and scientists from Woods Hole and other nifty places....
In the day i work on the Boston Harbor ferry- i took some nice pictures of the ship today , I'll post this week...


Tarn Stephanos

Boston MA