Edward Willey


If you have not already done so you can view the information we have on your uncle on this web-site by typing Willey into the Surname Search box on the opening page of this web-site. - Unfortunately all it gives is age, occupation, where from, ticket number [SO/PP 751] and where he was going to.

He was not travelling on the same ticket as William Mellors - [Ticket number SW/PP 751].

Thanks for your prompt response.

I found this web-site and its information, was astonished with the amount of information it held, so I joined.

I have been trying to find out if a death certificate was ever issued (it seems not) so that it would help me find a birth certificate and maybe some more info on Edward and hence my father.

I have vague recollections of being told that his mother was given a small grant from a fund set up to help the relatives. I assumed no grants would be given without a death certificate of some kind.

I'll keep trying but would welcome any thoughts and ideas.

Hello Richard,

It is my understanding that no death certificate could be issued as a death at sea had to be certified by the ship's captain and with Titanic the captain also died.

Someone with better knowledge of the Relief Fund may be able to expand on this, but your mention of a grant prompted me to look at my copy of the THS booklet: The Titanic Relief Fund. Under cases in the Exeter area the grandparents of P376 Welley received £5.5/-. Since Drayton is in Somerset, which is not too far from Exeter I think P376 Welley, will be your uncle.
Re:, Edward Willey, 19 year farm labourer from Drayton, Somerset.( ticket no. S.O./P.P.751,£7.11s )
Edward, who was en route to Shenectardy, New York State, did not survive the sinking and in ET is recorded as a third class passenger. However, in the same document he is described as a "travelling companion on the same ticket as William Mellors, also 19.
In a graphic account of his survival in a letter to Dorothy Ockenden William decribes how he was woken up by "the young chap who shared my cabin with me (who) came and began to yell out that the ship had struck an iceberg." What is the explanation for them to be travelling together and was "the chap" Edward Willey?Any ideas?
Graham Edward Willey.
P.S. Although we share names, and my ancestors came from near to Drayton, I do not claim a relationship to Edward. The name Willey was (is) believe it or not, quite common in the Street/Drayton area of Somerset.

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted to a thread in another topic, has been moved to this pre-existing thread discussing the same passenger. MAB]
Hello Graham,

Welcome to encyclopedia-titanica. The full ticket numbers are: William Mellors https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-biography/william-mellors.html 2nd Class ticket number S.W./P.P. 751 £10.10s and as you noted Edward Willey https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-biography/edward-willey.html 3rd Class ticket number S.O./P.P 751 £7.11s .
For an unknown reason in the right-hand columns the numbers have been abbreviated to only the numerical section. This seems to have resulted in non connected passengers being linked.
Hello Lestor,
Many thanks for your instructive posting. It certainly explains my confusion. Any idea what the pre-fixes S.W./P.P and S.O./P.P. mean?
Thanks again,Graham
Hello Graham,

You ask about the ticket pre-fixes. My understanding is that they indicate particular ticket agents, so for example 1st Class tickets with PC in front of the number were from Paris.

I have not made any study of the English ones.

Overall only a small number of tickets seem to have a pre-fix.
