Elizabeth Lines

I have forgotten the surname of one first class passenger. Her first name as you would of guessed is Elizabeth, but what sets her apart is that at the senate hearing following the disaster, she testified to have heard a conersation beetween Cptn. Smith and J. Bruce Ismay that went something like this


JBI: So you've not yet lit the last four boilers
EJS: No I dont see the need
JBI: The press already knows of Titanics shear size now I want them to marvel at her speed, we must give them something new to print.
EJS: Mr. Ismay, I'd like to give them a chance to be fully run in first.
JBI: Of course I'm just a passenger, I'll leave it to your good officers to decide what's best.

Some say this conversation never took place, I however, belive it did.
I understand that snippets of verbal exchange between Joseph Bruce Ismay and Captain E.J Smith were picked up by several passengers - this conversation was a slightly elaborated version of the one overheard by Elizabeth Lines.
The overheard conversation was also mentioned in the A&E program "Death of a Dream/The Legend Lives On".

The main thing mentioned was the idea that the ship was supposed to get in to New York on Tuesday night, instead of on Wednesday morning.

It was mentioned that some passengers, like the Ryersons, then became concerned about where to stay, on Tuesday the 16th.

John Clifford
The scene is Cameron's film is based on the deposition of Elizabeth Lines who said she overheard the conversation between Ismay and Smith in the D-Deck Reception Room on April 13th, 1912 (as seen in the film). Though, the film is a far more condensed summary of the alleged conversation, the scene itself is being treated as if it was a figment of Cameron's imagination rather than based on an actual survivors claim. Whether it is on Wikipedia or on here, there's no mention of the conversation that so much Titanic lore is based upon. Her full deposition is on the Titanic Inquiry Project website: TIP | Limitation of Liability Hearings | Deposition of Elizabeth L. Lines