Emergency boat crew

Bob Read

Does anyone know what procedures were followed to have the emergency boats and its davits manned at a moment’s notice? Were specific crew designated and standing by at a particular location? How long would this watch last?
I believe in his article about Lifeboat drills, Ioannis Georgiou mentioned that a list for Emergency Lifeboat assignments was kept in the forecastle (not sure exactly where). I assume that list was changed on a daily basis and the crew named would have known that they were on Emergency Boat duty.
I believe in his article about Lifeboat drills, Ioannis Georgiou mentioned that a list for Emergency Lifeboat assignments was kept in the forecastle (not sure exactly where). I assume that list was changed on a daily basis and the crew named would have known that they were on Emergency Boat duty.
The list for the Deck crew posted at the forecastle door at the top of the E Deck companionway, and for the able-bodied seamen at the top of the forecastle stairwell leading up to the seamen's mess on C-deck.