Engineer body

Auden G Minor

I am a Titanic enthusiest!
I have a question for anyone who may read this. I was looking through the unidentified bodies page when I happened upon a engineers body. This is the discription:
(73 Male - Estimated age, 35.
Hair, dark.
Buried at sea
Handkerchief marked 'H. J.'; silver watch; engineer's uniform. Nothing else to aid in identification.)
Does anyone know if this body was ever identified?
If this is body wasn't identified, I have made a list of engineers and electricians. Here is the list: (
Millar, Mr. Robert 27

Dodd, Mr. Edward Charles 38

Dodds, Mr. Henry Watson 27

Harvey, Mr. Herbert Gifford 34

Shepherd, Mr. Johnathan 32

Fraser, Mr. James 29

Mackie, Mr. William Dickson 32

Smith, Mr. James Muil 35

Hesketh, Mr. John Henry 33

Farquharson, Mr. William Edward 39

Wilson, Mr. Bertie 28

Parsons, Mr. Frank Alfred 27

Sloan, Mr. Peter 31

Harrison, Mr. Norman 39

Jupe, Mr. Herbert 31

Millar, Mr. Thomas 33) I think the H . J is either the initials of the crew or the cloth brand.
I have a question for anyone who may read this. I was looking through the unidentified bodies page when I happened upon a engineers body. This is the discription:
(73 Male - Estimated age, 35.
Hair, dark.
Buried at sea
Handkerchief marked 'H. J.'; silver watch; engineer's uniform. Nothing else to aid in identification.)
Does anyone know if this body was ever identified?
It sounds likely to have been Mr. Boylett Herbert Jupe, age 30, electrician.
His body was recovered by the MacKay Bennett and then buried at sea.
There's more about that here. Hope this helps.

I have only just found out that Boylett Herbert (Bertie) Jupe is my Great Uncle, I was born in Southampton and lived here all my life but never knew that I had a relation who sadly lost his young life on The Titanic, there is a memorial in Southampton which I have seen all my life but only now realised one of my relations name is inscribed on the stone memorial, I don't know what become of the handkerchief which his dad (my Great Great Grandad) requested from White Star, it would be lovely to know what happened to the Pocket Watch and the screw which were the only things returned to my Great grandparents, I also understand he would have taken his Ukulele on board as well as he never went anywhere without it, he played it for Queen Victoria as well, I am very proud of him and want to learn as much as I can about the young man who was training to be an Electrician and was set for a voyage on the most famous ship in the world which sadly took his life at only 31rs old.