Ernest Portage Tomlin

Ernest Tomlin sent a postcard to his sister Lilly, who was my grandmother her surname was Jolliff. We the Jolliff's decided as a family to sell the poscard . 
Ernest Portage Tomlin lived in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba with my Great-Grandmother Emma Sarah Tomlin who was his Aunt.  Many of the Charles Tomlin & Mary Jane Shelvey children emmigrated there from England; I am still working on their family tree
Ernest Tomlin sent a postcard to his sister Lilly, who was my grandmother her surname was Jolliff. We the Jolliff's decided as a family to sell the poscard .
My father, Ernest Portage Tomlin, is named after Ernest who was lost on the Titanic. My father is his Great nephew. His father was William Tomlin. I'm so sad to learn that the postcard sent to Lilly was sold at auction and I'm trying to track it down so it can be back with the family along with all the other documents held. If anyone knows of its whereabouts please do get in touch.
Hello Caroline,

Welcome to the forum!

I'm so sad to learn that the postcard sent to Lilly was sold at auction and I'm trying to track it down so it can be back with the family along with all the other documents held.
I don't know the whereabouts of your relative's postcard, however after it was sold at auction by Christie's in 1992, it was put for auction again in 2015 by Henry Alridge & Son. You could try contacting them, but I don't know what their policy is regarding revealing buyer's names and their contact info.

Here is the postcard:
Ernest Tomlin postcard

And here's contact information for Alridge's:
Henry Alridge & Son Ltd
Hi Jason,
Thank you so much!! I searched the internet last night but couldn't find the postcard at all. It means a lot, so thank you.

Very spooky though as Ernest's writing, in particular his signature, is identical to my father's writing. He hadn't seen the postcard before either so it's been fascinating.

Best regards
You're very welcome, Caroline!

Very spooky indeed that Ernest's writing is identical to your father's. I'm glad he had a chance to see the postcard.

Best wishes to you and your family.
Hi Caroline, I stumbled across this post and thought I’d say hi! My mothers maiden name was Tomlin and from my family tree Ernest’s great great paternal grandfather (James Tomlin b. 1771) was my great great great great grandfather.