Ernst Ulrik Persson

Wonderful. Was told that my Great-Grandfather was a passinger. Ernst Person name was changed to Pearson. Found the web site full of great info. Will continue to brouse often. Thanks.

Patti Pearson-Kotz
Batavia, IL
Re: Ernst Ulrik Persson my father was Ernest Folke which makes me the grand son. The above account by my grandfather was hand written on stationary from the Swedish Immagration Home in New York. I was able to get it translated by Mr. Wilham Baum, an archievist of old documents in Stockholm. I tried to contact him at a later date, but all of my letters were returned. The above account is his translation of that letter.
Ironically, he was in another boating incident in about 1947 when I was about 6 years old . My father, grandfather and I were fishing from a small boat in Wisconsin. While my father was making a tight turn, he accidently gunned the motor and the boat rolled over, putting the 3 of us in about 20 feet of water. A nearby fishing boat came to our rescue.