Ethel Louisa Beane

I went to the titanic artifact exhibition recently in the Franklin Institue. At the beginning of the tour they give you a ticket with a passenger's name on it. I was Ethel and I survived together with the hubby. Was well worth a trip to Philly to see the exhibit.
Today I learned that Ethel was my great aunt; my grandfather, who died in the 1950's, was her brother Reginald Boaz Clarke. He married Edith Wilsea; they had two daughters, my Aunt Edna and my mother Mabel. For most of her married life and until she died in the 1980's, Edith lived on Spencer Street, off of Churchill Road. To my amazement nobody ever said anything about granddad having a sister in America, made all the more curious by the fact that Mabel married an American.