Eva Miriam Hart

This is sad. I think that we should all be thankful that we are alive healthy, and remember the people that had died that faithful night.
I am doing this for a project and everytime I read a example I cry!!! It's sad that we are here today and they had to go through that horrible night.they all lost family members be thankful for what we all have!!!!
To add a personal memory - My Father was a (Canadian born) GP in Dagenham, Essex - and Eva Hart was a family friend - who was a sort of unofficial "Auntie" to me - and I recall going on trips up to London with her as a child. A particularly poignant memory is going to the premier of the 1950's film " A night to remember" at a Cinema near Dagenham - where the Manager introduced Eva on the stage ( when they had stages ) - she was in evening dress and gave a short talk on the disaster and her memories - the sad memory I have is that I recall many of the audience surrounding my family became restless and impatient for the film to start.
That is sad and more people should learn to respect others that have lived through great peril to tell the tale and remind us all to be thankful for what we have.