Few questions about orders

I have two questions abaut telegraphs orders from bridge.

1. When someone ring STOP to engine room, from the bridge, did engine room and boiler rooms get this order at the same time, or only to engine room and they must pass this order to boiler rooms?

2. How much seconds take pass any order from the bridge telegraph to engine room, boiler rooms, or both?

Thank you in advance
1. When someone ring STOP to engine room, from the bridge, did engine room and boiler rooms get this order at the same time, or only to engine room and they must pass this order to boiler rooms?

The telegraphs (bride or docking bridge) were only connected with the main engine room. The main engine room would then signal to the boiler rooms.
How many seconds I can not say, it was not long but it if it was 3 or 5 seconds I can not say.