Film Chronology or What Happened to April 12th

After watching this movie for what is probably about the 100th time, it has suddenly dawned on me that it seemingly skips from April 11th to 13th. I'm sure that it was intentionally done that way but at what point in the movie does this occur? We know it is April 11th up until the end of the "King of the World" scene and I assumed that the scene with Rose and crew having lunch with Ismay, Andrews and Molly Brown was also on the 11th but I suppose there is a possibility that that took place the following day.

What I would like to conclude is this, but if you all have any other insight please share:

Lunch with Ismay, Andrews and Molly Brown/Jack's first sighting of Rose took place on the 11th.

That is followed by the suicide scene which then should take place on the 12th.

This to me seems to be the most logical explanation.
Hi Donna, quite a time we didn't post to each other, isn't it?

Well, after the "Cherbourg scene", Old Rose says: "in the next afternoon", so, the lunch in the Palm Court must be on 11th.

You're right, the suicide scene is on 12th night.

Regards, João
Hi João! Nice to run into you again

I realize I might have misworded this a little bit but I see you realize what I meant. From leaving Queenstown on the 11th to the suicide scene which would have to take place on the 12th, the movie seems seamless. If you didn't know your Titanic chronology you might think all of these things happened on the same day.
it is not correct we have the first night (molly brown comes on) We have suicide, The meal and the the sinking that is only. If titanic set sail on the 10th then this is only the 13th. there is none missing inbetween sucide and the meal so it must either Cherbourg or Queenstown there is missing.

By the way Donna hows the role-playing getting on?
Yeah, the suicide scene has to be on the 12th. Cal invites Jack to dinner "tomorrow evening" which we know is the 13th. Where I get confused is at which point does it become the 12th? Lunch in the Palm Court, where Jack first sees Rose, or does it wait until the suicide scene.

Role-playing is moving a little slowly at the moment Matthew. Waiting for you to come back! We need ya!
Donna, after Jack saw Rose on the 11th, that's a sequence of Old Rose explaining how she was tired of her way of life, when the dinner appears in the screen, just before the suicide scene. That's when it become 12th.

Best, João
Actually Matthew, when Molly Brown comes aboard it is still the 10th. Titanic got into Cherbourg around dinnertime the evening of the 10th. When it shows them leaving the coast of Ireland, it is the morning of the 11th. We have since concluded that lunch in the Palm Court also takes place on the 11th, but from there on it skips over about 24 hours to dinnertime on the 12th, the suicide scene.
I was just thinking about this yesterday. This is what I think happened:

*Lunch on the Palm Court/Jack seeing Rose- April 11
*Suicide scene after dinner- April 12
*Jack at dinner/party in 3rd- April 13
*Explosion at breakfast/corset scene- April 14

Not easy to tell, though.