Fireman Richard Hosgood

Paul Rogers

I discovered today that one of my colleagues is a relative of Richard Hosgood, a fireman who died in the sinking. His bio can be found here on this site.

I found it quite an eerie experience, realising that someone I've known for some time is actually related to a crew member! I don't know if my colleague knows much about Richard Hosgood over and above what's detailed in his bio, but I'll be sure to ask him when we next meet. If I find out any interesting stuff, I'll post it here.

Ref Richard Hosgood, I think there is a discrepancy with his address as I have:
Hosgood, Richard. 19 Woodley Road, Itchen, Southampton.
Recently a new memorial was erected in the Woolston area of Southampton called 'The Feathers 2000 Memorial Garden'and there is an inscribed brick there commemorating Richard Hosgood.
Best regards

Thanks for the info Brian - I'll pass it on.

Richard Hosgood was my colleague's grandmother's brother. The family have always thought that Dick was unlucky in joining the ship at the last minute.

Last year, I entered my name on Yahoo's search engine and got to one of the Titanic'a many sites. I found out that a crewman, who worked below decks has the same name as I. I would appreciate if anyone can help me find out about any relatives I may have in the UK...thanks...Rich Hosgood, Sunrise Beach, Mo, USA
Hello Richard,

According to the Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund booklet of March 1913 Hosgood's Dependants were his widow: Edith May and two children Winifred Mary and Richard W.

Hope that helps,
Fireman Richard Hosgood (Dick), I've just discovered was my great uncle, the brother of my maternal grandmother Olive Victoria Grace Hosgood who was married to my grandfather Leonard James Griffiths. I used to stay with with them, as a little boy, in Woolston, So'ton.

Clive Ostler
I discovered today that one of my colleagues is a relative of Richard Hosgood, a fireman who died in the sinking. His bio can be found here on this site.

I found it quite an eerie experience, realising that someone I've known for some time is actually related to a crew member! I don't know if my colleague knows much about Richard Hosgood over and above what's detailed in his bio, but I'll be sure to ask him when we next meet. If I find out any interesting stuff, I'll post it here.


Hi Paul. I was at the Titanic museum today and decided to do something research on Richard William Hosgood who was my maternal grandmother's brother. She was Kathleen Annie Hosgood.
It would be fascinating to hook up with any relatives from that side of the family. I knew his sister Olive Griffiths pretty well and her daughters Win and Rita and the other sister in Weymouth but the others were pretty well unknown to me.

Andrew Farr.
Fireman Richard Hosgood (Dick), I've just discovered was my great uncle, the brother of my maternal grandmother Olive Victoria Grace Hosgood who was married to my grandfather Leonard James Griffiths. I used to stay with with them, as a little boy, in Woolston, So'ton.

Clive Ostler
Hello Clive!
I doubt you remember me but I remember you as a little boy but mostly I remember your mum and dad and your Aunt Rita and your big brother Michael. He gave me rides on his bikes when he was visiting us in Dibden Purlieu. My nan was Olive's sister Kathleen or Kitty.
Get in touch if you'd like to chat!

Best regards,
Andrew .
Last year, I entered my name on Yahoo's search engine and got to one of the Titanic'a many sites. I found out that a crewman, who worked below decks has the same name as I. I would appreciate if anyone can help me find out about any relatives I may have in the UK...thanks...Rich Hosgood, Sunrise Beach, Mo, USA
Hello Richard!
Your namesake's wife gave birth just after the disaster, this time to a son, Richard William Hosgood. Yes, another one. The disaster victim was my great uncle incidentally.
To continue the family name were his two brothers, James and Alfred.
James had one son, another James. I have no details of his issue.
Alfred had two sons, Peter and Ralph.
Peter had a son, Jake; Ralph had a son Stephen.
I have no information after that.
Richard William Hosgood is my 2x great grandfather I'm a decendant of his son Richard William Jr, who is my grandmother Pamela Dorothy father.

Richard Jr had 3 children Pam, Lez and Carol.

My Grandmother Pamela married Joseph Peter 'Pete' Longland and had three children Paula, Peter (my father) and Denise.

Pete and Pamela lived in Oblisk Road, woolston and nan is still there today which is a stones throw away from Woodley Road where Richard William lived.

We all still live in Southampton 5/10 minutes away in Sholing.

Just to think Richard W snr went out to maybe be called up to go to sea and a similar age to me now with a daughter and a pregnant wife not to come home one can only imagine a heartache.

I see I have some distant cousins on here if you remember my nan and grandad Pam and Pete even my great grandfather Richard W Jr and stories or memories would be great to hear so please get in touch.
Sam Longland
Fireman Richard Hosgood (Dick), I've just discovered was my great uncle, the brother of my maternal grandmother Olive Victoria Grace Hosgood who was married to my grandfather Leonard James Griffiths. I used to stay with with them, as a little boy, in Woolston, So'ton.

Clive Ostler
Hi Clive, I'm Sarah, great granddaughter if Kathleen Annie, Olives sister.... I lived with Nanny in the new forest before we moved to the isle of wight, I remember Auntie Win... Winfred but I'm not sure I met Olive, my mother used to say she was lovely, funny & kind. Sarah