Frank Long

I recently discovered whilst researching my family tree that I am related to both Frank & William Long who worked as Trimmers and both died when the titanic sunk. They were my 2nd cousins 4 times removed. I’m looking to speak to any of their living descendents to learn more about them if possible.
Frank Long was my great, great grandfather, William was my Great, great uncle.
Frank was the grand father of my grand father.

Hi Andy. Thanks for getting in touch. I’d love to add you and your family to my tree if possible. Can you please email me on [email protected]

I think I have all of Frank Longs great grand children so I likely have your parent on my tree already but not you.
Thank you!
I recently discovered whilst researching my family tree that I am related to both Frank & William Long who worked as Trimmers and both died when the titanic sunk. They were my 2nd cousins 4 times removed. I’m looking to speak to any of their living descendents to learn more about them if possible.
Hi Kelly! William Long was my 2x great Grandpa, so Frank was my x2 great uncle!