Fred Humby

F. Humby, 17, was born in Hampshire, he was educated at Dr. Barnardo's Naval School for orphans, Watts Naval School, in Norfolk.

When he signed-on to the Titanic, on 4 April 1912, he gave his address as

52 Clarendon Road, (Southampton).

His last ship had been the Hildebrand.

He was listed as 'in charge of plates', would that be in one of the pantries ?, and is there any way to find out which part of the ship he was working in, (first-class)(second-class)ect ?
He received monthly wages of £3 15s
After his death stained glass windows were paid for by the boys at the Naval School, to go into the Watts NavalSchool Church. There is a photo of him on this page.
Hallo, Andrew, and welcome to the forum. Thanks for the link - very interesting. Fred Humby was one of three plate stewards who worked in the 2nd Class pantry area, forward of the dining room on D deck. These men cleaned and polished the silverware (ie silver plate) rather than dishes. Only one of the three (Arthur Burrage) survived the sinking.
Bob, Thank you for the very interesting information, I will put it up on the webpage if I may.
He would have been taught to swim at Watts Naval School, and a lot about safty at sea.
I did see on here, or another notice board, last year, a relative Emma Humby, from Southampton, looking for information, but with no email address. It would be interesting for her to know more about her relative, so I hope she sees this. Andy
You're very welcome to use the info, Andy. Here's a bit more which might be of interest. As well as the 3 'plate men' in Second Class, There were 7 more who worked in First Class, and all shared a cabin with the 11 First & Second Class scullions (dishwashers). This was on the port side of E deck (about level with the first funnel) and opened directly onto the main working alleyway nicknamed 'Scotland Road'. Of these 21 men, only 6 survived. The youngest of the victims was Alfred Hopkins, another Hampshire lad, who was one of the plate stewards working in First Class and was just 16 years old.

I don't think Emma has ever posted here. You might find her in the forum at
That is interesting, especially about Albert Hopkins who probably knew Fred quite well.
I think Fred must have had his 17th birthday onboard the Titanic.
Was E deck under the water level, as I don't know much yet about the layout of the Titanic.
Why do you think so few of these lads survived ?

Emma Humby posted a note on the Titanica Guestbook: July 1999, but no email address. Andy

Name: Emma Humby
From: Southampton UK
Time: 1999-07-16 01:00:06
Comments: Good site with lots of info. I am currently researching about my distant relative Fred Humby (Plate Steward) and would like anything that anybody might know. I noticed a Richard Cullen was asking about him as well - how do I contact him?? as I am sure we have a lot of information to share. Also more Info on Ernest William Hamblyn would be greatly appreciated - Many thanks
E deck was well above the waterline. Yes, Fred did have his birthday on the ship. I daresay he knew Alfred Hopkins by sight, but possibly not much more than that. They didn't work or eat in the same pantry area, and in the few days before the sinking there wasn't much time between the end of their long working day and the need for a good night's sleep. Regarding the loss rate of kitchen crew, this thread might be interesting for you:
Thank you for your help, and very interesting information. I might have a lead on someone who knew Fred hUMBY, again fron the notice board on this site. Someone who may be decended from a survivor who may have known Fred.

Name: Richard Cullen
From: England
Time: 1999-05-09 02:08:31
Comments: I am hoping to gather information about two members of the Titanic's crew. They are; 2nd Class

Plates Steward Fred Humby (LOST) 1st Class Bedroom Steward Charles Cullen (SAVED) I am hoping to create a memorial display to Fred close to the naval training school he attended (Watt's Naval Training College,

Norfolk). My interest in Charles may be obvious! God bless all those who sailed on the Titanic.