Frederick Fleet - 10 Missing Answers?

Reading Fleet's testimony at the British Inquiry I found the following yellow note. Does this mean that 10 questions are missing from the records e.g. page missing or torn out perhaps intentionally?


Questions would usually stray off topic and then come back to the original point. Wonder if there was something crucial that was quietly taken out of the final report. Then again, could it simply have been a clerical mistake in the numbering of the original transcripts and instead of correcting it they just skipped 10 numbers and continued with the questions?

This is very interesting because just when we think we are reading the "actual testimony," it turns out, we are not! Frustrating indeed! I am quite sure the 2 men Fleet is referring to are, in first class, Peuchen, and in third class, the Italian stowaway.
I have run across somewhat similar problems in reading the U S Senate Inquiry. After Fleet was recalled to the stand, on Day 5, the wording differs depending on the source. I have seen Fleet say, after being evasive about his inability to judge distances, "I have no judgement at all." These words are left of of several "prime sources." I saw them when I was scanning newspapers, which is a very time consuming way to try and read the entire inquiry! Also, after Fleet is dismissed, Senator Smith makes a little speech, stating his displeasure, and inferring that the crew's testimony has been influenced by "someone," and I think he says that someone isn't crew, or an Officer.......personally, I take that as a reference to Ismay. But you won't see this entire speech every time you are searching for the testimony on Day 5. I could almost throw up my hands in disgust, but I persist!! I will read the entire testimony, somehow!
Thanks, I'll check the links. I think the first one you reference is the one I have been looking at, which lacks Sen. Smith's full speech of indignation. But, I'll check it out. I am focused on his reaction to Fred Fleet's words, because I must say, from the very first time I ever read Fleet's testimony, to just yesterday when I was looking at it again, , it's so apparent to me, the man was purposely being evasive. The way I see it, he was trying to comply with Ismay's order to him by way of Lightoller......Lightoller met with Ismay on Carpathia, then he spoke with the crew.....Fleet himself, in a conversation he shouldn't have had with a NYT reporter who slipped onto the Celtic looking for Fleet, made the comment that...the way of the sea was to keep quiet until the boss tells you what to say.....Fleet was very impetuous, he never could keep his mouth closed when he should then he stumbles when he's testifying, coming up with a ridiculous statement ..."I have no judgement!" Poor man, I'm always on Fred's side of things.
Now I do see Sen. Smith's little speech, thanks Aaron. I realize that previously I was studying Fleet's testimony since I clicked on him as a witness....This didn't give me the whole view that I needed....
For having recopying the Inquiry of the Empress of Ireland, I can answer that question : NO, it doesn't miss no question. It is just that when they numbered the question, they were mixed-up. Sometimes numbers doesn't follow ; there are several numbers repeated, etc. Here's an example from the Empress Inquiry : that is the original transcript made at the time. Look at the 3988 - 3999. The same thing must have happened with the Titanic Inquiry. No need to try to find some conspiracy : the writer should have had a Deficit Attention! lol!!
Example E of I.jpg