Futurist artists who cancelled tickets

Chris Agnew

I am studying for an MA in Fine Art at Wimbledon College of Art, London, and am posting this in the hope that someone will be able to point me in the direction of information relating to the passenger lists for the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic in 1912.

I have been able to find a comprehensive (if not entirely accurate) list of the passengers that perished and survived the Titanic sinking, however I am looking for a record of a few specific people who originally purchased tickets for the voyage, but then later cancelled them before the departure from Southampton.

It has come to my understanding that some members of the Italian 'Futurist' movement of artists and writers were in possession of tickets for the voyage, however they then went on to cancel their tickets. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the direction of any archives or records that may hold such information as this will form a vital part of research for my degree project.

There is a list of around 25 names that may have purchased tickets, but I am especially interested in the movements of the following artists and writers; Umberto Boccioni, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Luigi Russolo, Gino Severini, and Carlo Carrí .

Best wishes,

Chris Agnew
Hello Chris,

Welcome aboard.

First off, the passenger list on the site is the most accurate you will see anywhere on the web. So, if they are not listed, chances are that they weren't aboard.

As for people that purchased tickets, but later cancelled, unfortunately there are no records that exist. Documents such as that, just weren't kept.

I don't mean to burst your bubble, but that's the reality.
Hi Jason,

Thanks for your reply.

Luckily my bubble wasn't that big yet, so it's bursting is not a tragedy! If I manage to find the information elsewhere I'll make sure to post it here for all who may be interested.

Best wishes,
