Galleon San Jose (1708)

I have been following the story of the San Jose. Funny how Spain never finds these wrecks but always claims them. They stole all the riches in the first place. Will be fascinating to see what is recovered. Especially if they are able to raise the ship from 3000 ft down like the article says. That will be quite the feat if they can do it. Cheers.
300 years underwater and likely a 300 year legal battle to determine who gets all of that swag.
300 years underwater and likely a 300 year legal battle to determine who gets all of that swag.
If they keep it out of the American court system they should be fine. The U.S. usually sides with Spain in these things. It's totally unfair IMO but that's the price to keep our military bases opened in Spain.
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Latest update from the same author (Martha McHardy)

Do they seriously think they can raise this pile of scrap wood? The 200 tons of treasure will fall through the bottom as it breaks up. I love the company name. Glocca Morra is a fictional village in Ireland in the show Finian's Rainbow. Stand by for laughs!
I think their plan is to recover the treasure first. The part about raising the ship is to give it an air of being an archeological expedition instead of just a treasure hunt. Personally I have no problem with it being either one of those. But yes you are correct. To try an raise it with all the treasure inside would be an almost impossible feat. It would come apart. Over 300 years old and 3000 ft down.
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