Georges Asperlagh

In a commemoration programme on Belgian tv some years ago the Belgian survivors were listed; among them was someone named 'Aspeslagh'. I have not been able to find the name in the lists of your site.

Jan Aspeslagh
Antwerp Belgium
I read assistant plateman Georges Asperlach was 27 and born in Switzerland, living in London. A source in Belgium has it his name was ASPESLAGH and was Belgian, living in Ostend. That does noet exclude the possibility that he wasborn in Switzerland and had moved to London by 1912. Can anyone provide more details on this crew member ? Thanks

Herman De Wulf
I read assistant plateman Georges Asperlach was 27 and born in Switzerland, living in London. A source in Belgium has it his name was ASPESLAGH and was Belgian, living in Ostend. That does noet exclude the possibility that he wasborn in Switzerland and had moved to London by 1912. Can anyone provide more details on this crew member ? Thanks

Herman De Wulf
Dear Herman De Wulf,

George Aspeslagh was indeed born in Belgium on 3 September 1885 in Ostend. There are no records of his birth in Switzerland. However, his mother, Clémence Reilzen was a descendant of an Austrian emigrant from Vienna. Perhaps because the hospitality industry in Ostend offered little future - more and more hotels were closing in those years - Georges Aspeslagh emigrated to London. Georges finally found a room in St Paul's Road number 76 in northwest London.