
I would be keen to know the source of the Capt. Smith and Winn Road ghost story .

Is there an article for example ?


Scott Blair
That would make for an interesting book--if we could find some riveting evidence of paranormal existence at the wreck. The doll's head is a great place to start. Supposedly, when Ballard first saw it, he thought it was a human skull *shudders*
I once wrote a story about a salvage vessel getting scared off by the ghost of the it wishful thinking.

And I actually had a scenario for a story where among one of the scenes was of the character waking up and seeing the doll's head on the ceiling. More of a sleep vision, really, but still, that thing and waking up to it...I can't even look at a picture of it, it's that dang creepy.
I know, Kritina. One can't help but look at it and think, "Damn! That thing is haunted!" (and it very well could be). But as long as you remember that it is only a doll's head... It's enough to get the imagination going, though.
"But as long as you remember that it is only a doll's head"

Hoppy, OM, I'm not saying that I think it's haunted...I'm saying that I find it creepy. I bring my own feelings towards it, just like I do to most of the wreck/debris field pics. I can't look at them, because they leave me panicky and scared, etc.

That might mean I'm haunted, but not there.
maybe on the 14-15 of april every year at the place where the titanic sank people who pass by might hear the cries of people slowly drowning to death.... has anyone ever been there on the 14th or the 15th of april? maybe if you listened quietly you could hear it, or even catch sight of a body floating by... only it's gone when you try and take a closer look...

just my thoughts
It's always eerie to think about Titanic survivors who later died on a ship or on the anniversary of the sinking as well. This site has the usual mummy tale and some very nice graphics
I am looking forward to spending a night on the old Queen Mary soon- I really think there must be something going on aboard her, other than too many martinis and indigestion late at night! This is a good site for the QM's hauntings, also with some great graphics and layout
Sailors have traditionally avoided that area since the Titanic went down. During World War II, Sir James Bisset, carrying 10,000 soldiers on the Queen Mary, was routed through there, and did NOT want to go!

"To my consternation, I saw that my given route would bring me exactly over the spot where the Titanic had struck a berg on 14th April 1912. That was thirty years and one month previously, but I knew that spot only too well. I sent a radio signal to Naval Control asking permission to divert a little, but giving no reasons. I did not care to put my superstitious feelings into a naval code message. The reply came from some unfeeling naval person, "Keep to your route unless otherwise directed."

At dead of night, the Queen Mary with more than 10,000 souls on board, steamed over the very spot believed by seamen to be haunted by the Titanic's ghost. I was one of the few on board who knew it. It was a trying moment, but at that spot, we sighted neither bergs nor ghosts..."

Sir James Bisset: Commodore War, Peace, and Big Ships. New York, Criterion Books, 1961.

Pat W.
LOL-- Mike Standart and Ilya McVey once told me how to tell the difference between a sea story and a fairy tale!

Pat W.
Of course, Sir James had a very good reason for the uneasiness he felt when passing near Titanic's final resting place, having been Carpathia's Second Officer the night of the tragedy. If not by ghosts, certainly the memory of that night still haunted him.

Sailors don't like tragedy and avoid places, people or things that in there minds represent it. The crews of the AAA class had similar thoughts after the Fitz went down, and that spot is not well traveled for that very reason.
For the record, a fairy tale begins with "Once upon a time..." A sea story begins with "This ain't no s**t.

Do the math!

For myself, I don't put all that much stock in ghost stories. The only ghosts I've ever seen were on a very hot day and they went away when I had a few full glasses of water. That doesn't mean that some of the superstitions don't have some justification. If you cruise through a place where an accident happened, you do it with the understanding that it could happen again. Who could blame anyone for being uncomfortable at being reminded of a fact that like that?