Grand staircase model

Hello everyone, i was just stumbled across this message board a while ago, and i was reading some of the threads and this really sounded like a massage board i need to be hooked up with. This is my first post here, i am 19 years old, male, my name is Jonathan, and i was really quiet taken with the rare photo taken aboard the olympic which i think yall finally decided was taken from, i think its olympic too, anyway i have been interested in the Titanic since i was 4! i saw the National Geographics "secrets of the Titanic" airnig and i watched it was just fasinated by it! anyway, you guys have heard me go on about my self im sure you are wondering why in titled this "Titanic's Grand Staircase" ok well when i turned 13 i decided to make a model of the forward grand staircase, and i spared no expense, and i looked at every photographs i could get my hands on to make it look as accurate as possible, well i turned 19 just now, and my model will be featured in the Houston Mare time Museum, and i am just doing touch ups and mild repairs to make it look just almost to perfection, it has alot of the same original wood work when i built it at 13 i have laid one inch tiles with the dark blue painted design on them in the accurate pattern, i found a roman numeral clock that works and ticks to hang up n the little honor and glory crowning time. i carved my cherub out of a block of balsa wood and made it darker than the wood around the staircase, i made over 92 chandeliers which that hang from the ceiling. some of the things are not very accurate but they were things that i could only do my best on coz as you guys do know, you are only limited to a certain amount of angles and photos of the grand staircase, and i was 13 when i built it and 14 when i finished it and now i am 19 refurnishing it. i really wanted to tell you guys this, and when i get finished with the refurnishing, i will take some pictures before it goes to the museum, and try and post them on here.
Thank you, Jonathan H
Hi Jonathan,

I look forward to seeing your model, too. (I'm currently modeling the aft Grand Staircase on the computer. That's hard enough. I can't imagine making everything out of real stuff!) How big is your model? Congratulations on getting it put in the Maritime Museum.

--Mike Mc
thank you, thank you
Mike, it measures 3 ft 1 inch long, and about a foot and half tall, and foot and a half in depth, just picture the entire grandstaircase foyer, the entrances and all being lifted up and out of the s~~~ thats what i made it was really difficult! and now i am doing refurbishing stuff to it and that just brought be back to how hard it really was, like i said i made it when i was 13/14 and now i just got it into the museum so now i am 19 and just have to go back and fix some things that really needed fixing, just to make it look so much better, but it is no easy task at all, but i think i did pretty good job of trying to make it as acturate as i could considering i had to measurments to go by at all just pictures, well wait the only measurment was the fact that the dome was 16 feet in diameter, so i just went from there, lol i know that sounds weird but that really helped to figure a-lot of the other stuff in,
thank you, Jonathan H
hi jonathan,

I'm 15 and lately i've been thinking about building a model of a room on the ship and i thought about the grand staircase, could you give me some information on how you built it.
Hi there,
This is my first posting and just to let everyone know, I'm now building a model of the grand staircase 1" to 1" inch scale. I have made some of the small chandeliers and will be posting photos of them soon. I'm drawing to my scale the staircase and needed to know what the height of the ceilings are between A-deck and Promenade deck. From what I understand they were 9 1/2ft or 10 feet. Which is it? If someone can help me with this, I can go on with my drawings.
Hi everyone,
Here is a photo of one of 54 chandeliers that I hand made for my model of the grand staircase. I used crystal, and gold plated silver to mold the top and bottom for the frame. I also placed a socket with a bulb. As I complete more of my model I will post more photos.
Hi Jonathan,

i'm 15 and i've a model of main and forward staircase,i don't have pictures of mine.i'm curious about yours if you can show me some photos because i'm from brazil and i don't have access for museum.if you can show me the original pictures, because i don't have all i think.

Hello Luis,

I will e-mail you some pictures of what I have of the grand staircase. I do not have anymore photo of my model yet, but as soon as I have some I will post them.
Luis, it's good to see someone from the nordeste here! I was in Pará and Maranhí£o from 1999 to 2001. Never got over to Recife, though . . . hopefully someday, since I'm told it's quite a beautiful city.

Até logo!
