Graves in Philadelphia PA USA area

In this past weekend's Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper) there was an article about a professor at Widener University, J. Joseph Edgette, who this past Saturday took Titanic Buffs around to a half dozen graves or memorials of Titanic passengers from this area. The Widener's memorial is at their family mausoleum at Laurel Hill, in the East Falls section in Philadelphia, as is that of William Crothers Dulles. [I think that I have discovered a Hospital building named after Dulles; I will check up on that and report tomorrow]. Charlotte Cardeza and son are buried at West Laurel Hill Cemetery, in Bala Cynwyd, just outside of Philadelphia. Prof. Edgette is working on a book on passenger's gravesites, to be released on Titanic's centennial.
Tell the professor it's already been done. Brian Ticehurst has published a book containing details of more than 1,000 memorials all over the world.
A suggestion for American researchers. As far as I know, nobody has examined the use made of the very large fund that was collected for the benefit of the dependents of those lost on Titanic and for the impoverished immigrants. It was operated from the office of the mayor of New York.

Brian Ticehurst and others have done much work on the British fund but I've seen nothing about the US fund.

That's interesting because I thought all of the Memorial Funds created in 1912 would have been used up by now? You wouldn't think anything would be left.

Brian Ticehurst tells me he's made some progress on the American fund. Most of it was given to American Red Cross, which distributed it as it saw fit. Somebody on the spot might find more.
Dave, interesting report.

There's another in the field of investigations. Toronto, hence the Canadian Committee. Is there anybody from that region of Canada, who is willing to give any feedback. I for one, would certainly be interested.


Thanks for your reply.

What progress has Ticehurst made? Are these funds ongoing from 1912, or were they set up recently?

The American Red Cross, yes, well let us hope that they distributed the funds in a more non-political way than those Feds did at the Disaster Relief Dept during the Katrina storm. I heard about the unfair distribution of money there. Not good.

In response to the very first post here from Deborah Kogan -- I think we should check Ticehurst's book for the gravestone locations and names she has mentioned to be sure none were left out. I apologize but I do not have this book in my collection but if anyone else does can they confirm that the names and gravestone locations above are in fact listed?
> About the Memorials and gravesites/Pennsylvania I have the booklet produced by Brian Ticehurst of gravesites. If you let me know the names of the persons you are seeking I will see if they appear on Brian's text. Henry Loscher
Teri, the memorials mentioned are in Brian's book.

I'll leave him to comment on his work on the US fund. The American Red Cross was evidently involved very early on.
Hello Henry,

Thank you for offering to look up the names, I appreciate that. If any come up in the future I will post to you again. At least now I know who has a copy of this book.

Thanks again,


Fair enough. If Brian wants to let us know his progress, he will post it to us. He must be working through an American researcher because he is predominantly British.

If the American Red Cross was involved early on, then I am going to assume this fund is at least 94 years old. I wonder if the person(s) who set it up stipulated how long it was to be kept alive.

Since this old fund is still alive, it is either collecting interest or the unused (very large) portion was never touched, which I find VERY hard to believe. I will opt that it has been accruing interest.

Ummm...unless I'm misreading something, no one has suggested that either the UK or the US funds are still in existence. I understand the references to Brian and others having "done some work" and "made some progress" to refer to research into what happened to the funds, not a suggestion that they're still around.

Or am I missing something?

Thanks for that link. It made me realize that the Red Cross of yesterday is not the same as today, and unless I am told otherwise, I can rest knowing that whatever the Red Cross did with the money in 1912 was wisely spent.

And I see that they opened up an office in New York and that the organization was begun by Clara. Again, thanks for the link.
