Greaser Scott and Greaser Ranger

Hi Everyone!! I just wanted to get your thoughts on this.

Throughout my research over these years I have always wondered about these two men. Greaser Mr. Fredrick Scott and Greaser: Mr. Thomas Ranger. A lot of what I have read said that around 2:00 am during the launch od lifeboat 4, both men slid down the falls of lifeboat 16 that were dangling near lifeboat 4.

Since Lightoller loaded and lowered the boat through the windows of the A deck promenade, does anyone know if Scott and Ranger slid into the boat durning the lowering or once boat 4 was in the water.

This subject is not super relevant to all my research, but this question has been eating at me for some time now.

I also read that Ranger dropped into the boat without any damage, but Scott lost his grip and fell into the water. He was pulled into the boat.

If anyone knows if this is all true, or you have more information could you post??


I did read the short articles on both men in the archives
Hi Taylor,

Yes, the story you have relayed up above is true and I've read it in several places.

I do not recall at what exact time it was, but at one point during the sinking a good number of the men in the engineering department were allowed to abandon their posts and go topside. When Frederick Scott and Thomas Ranger reached the boat deck, they obviously thought there was little time left so slid down the davits and managed to reach Lifeboat No. 4.

As for your question if they reached it when Lifeboat No. 4 was in the process of lowering, no. Quartermaster John Perkis, who was put in command of No. 4, was instructed to try and retrieve people from one of the gangway doors aft. So in following that instruction, No. 4 was near the side of the ship at around 2 AM allowing Scott and Ranger the perfect oppurtunity. They slid down empty davits, probably one of the aft ones.

As for Ranger, yes, he did make it directly into the boat by climbing down the davit (must have had some athletic skill to pull that one off) but Scott fell into the sea and quickly was pulled in.