Gymnasium confusion

I read on (another great Titanic reference site) that women were allowed to use the gymnasium in the morning (9am to 12pm) while men could use it during the afternoon, (2pm to 6pm), yet there is a famous picture of the gymnasium where Lawrence Beesley (i think) is riding a bicycle with a woman beside him. Can someone explain this? Was the rule not enforced? Here is the photograph.
Beesley, being a second class passenger, may have been on a tour of First Class accommodations prior to Titanic's sailing. They were probably just posing for photographs and not really working out or exercising.
Almost any picture of ANYONE taken while ABOARD Titanic was likely taken by Father Browne. This means that it would have been either before leaving Southampton, or during the jumps between intermediate boarding points (Cherbourg, Queenstown). Thus, he would have departed the ship at the last stop with his films before Titanic set out for America on a daily schedule.

Dave Tuttle
There is a previously unpublished (since 1912) photo of the Titanic gymnasium in the current THS Commutator #163, page 156. It doesn't specifically say, but it does not appear to be a Father Browne photo.
Lawrence Beesley says he was photographed with "friends from Exeter", who came to see him off. He at first thought the photographers were friends of the gym instructor, but found they were from the London papers. Evidently Beesley was allowed to wander the ship before sailing.

There are photos taken on board Titanic by people other than Francis Browne. Various press photographers went on board in Southampton and, I think, at Queenstown. Does anybody know of any photos by the Odell party? I'm sure I've seen a photo of Jack Odell with a camera.
I think I've seen several Odell photos, Dave, though I can't recall where. I sure of the photo of Jack, standing in front of the compass platform, if I remember correctly.

The only information we have on this 'new' photo in the gymnasium is "Illustrated Chroncile, KMC", from the picture credits at the end of the article. I'm guessing Ken Marschall has the pic, since he's the article author.
Wasn't that photo done by a press photographer? I don't have the Beesley-Book here in the office but I think he mentions a press photographer took the picture before the departure. They hadn't been allowed on board on the days before the departure because of the final fitting works that went on, so they just had a little time to take pictures right before the departure. But Cookie should know about this anyhow. Where are you ??


Right here, m'dear. Just don't have anything much to add to what's already been said. The photographer (One of two working together) who took Lawrence's (and his friend's) photo worked for The Illustrated London News.

Regarding the photo of the lady on the 'horse', I haven't received my Commutator yet so I haven't seen that particular photo but there is a photo of a lady on a riding apparatus in Lynch's and Marschall's exquisite book, "Titanic, An Illustrated History", page 63. Also I might postulate that, since we have Beesley's account that he was there with two friends, the photo of the lady on the 'horse' might have been taken by this same photographer and, in fact, be Lawrence's second friend from Exeter.

Looking forward to seeing you in Soton!

Warmest regards, as always,