Hannah Riordan

All I know of Hannah Riordan is what I've read on her bio at this site. I'd like to know more. What county did she come from in Ireland? Who were her family? Did she ever have children? etc.

Thanks to all in advance. I'm just beginning my search, and can't think of a better place to start than here.

Hallo, Brooke. The best source for information on the Irish aboard Titanic is Senan Molony's book called (as you might guess!) The Irish aboard Titanic. Hannah gets a couple of pages and one photo. She came from Ballydesmond (then called Kingwilliamstown), County Cork, and was going to join two sisters already in New York, where she worked as a housemaid. She did eventually marry a much younger man in the Bronx, but by that time she was 46 years old and there were no children.
There is a passport photo of Hannah taken in the early 1920's that appears on this site. Look under "A Gallery of Titanic Visages" near the top right of the home page.

Hannah's niece still lives in New Jersey and has some very interesting Titanic related items that she inherited from Hannah. Hannah married John Spollen later in life.

Hope this gives you a little of what you were looking for.

Thanks to you both, Bob and Phillip, for the info. I'm going to see if my library has a copy of that book. I'm mainly interested because I come from New York and there are a lot of Riordans in my family (not that Riordan is an uncommon Irish name!) I didn't think that she'd ever had any children as there were no mention of them in her bio, nor did I even begin to wonder if I were a direct descendant. I think my family would have surely mentioned by now if we were.

I was just wondering (as we all likely do, from time to time, when we spot a familiar name on those infamous passenger lists) if there was any connection.

Thanks again!