Hanora O'Leary

Martin O Leary, Hi was just doing research on my family and found out my grandfathers mother was Nora O Leary from queens town cobh.I saw that you put a comment saying she was your gran aunt,are we related????.Im living in cork.
What year did Norah o leary return to Ireland ,also ,did she live for any time in cobh around 1915  .  Iam looking  for information on any person  by that name with an adress in cobh around 1915     martin '@  leray 24 @gmail.com
Hi Brendan, my grandmother was Nora O Leary's cousin. Her name was Ada Porter, her mother was Maria Charlotte O Leary and her grandfather was Henry O Leary. Henry came out to Australia in the 1800's, settled in Melbourne and then later moved to the Western Australian Goldfields. Charlotte as she became known was the first white lady of the Coolgardie Goldields and the largest working mine in Australia was named after her. Hope this helps in your search.