Happy New Year

And now we are 90 years removed from one of the most gripping human diasasters ever recorded. May we never forget them, Sept 11 victims, all who fought in bravery for the voice and cause of democracy over the years, and let us not forget to vow to make this a better year. Let us show fellow man kindness, without a tragedy like Sept 11 to provoke such kindness. It is the way we should all be, without expectation of return, or even simple acknowledgement. Kindness from the heart does not know what thank you means. Its just something thats done, if its genuine, almost as if itwere a normal body reflex. On that note, may God bless you all with a peaceful and proseperous new year
Yes, Happy New Year to all. It's already New Years for our Australian and European friends. We here in America are still waiting to put this tragic year behind us. Best wishes of safety and prosperity though our year has been quite tough.
It won't be easy,
You'll think it strange --
When I try to explain how I feel,
That I still need your love after all
that I've done.

You won't believe me,
All you will see is a girl you once knew,
although she's dressed up to the nines,
At sixes and sevens with you.

I had to let it happen,
I had to change --
Couldn't stay all my life down a hill,
Looking out of the window,
Staying out of the sun.

So I chose freedom,
Running around, trying everything new --
But nothing impressed me at all.
I never expected it to.

Don't cry for me, Argentina!
The truth is, I never left you,
All through my wild days,
My mad existence,
I kept my promise --
Don't keep your distance.

And as for fortune and as for fame,
I never invited them in.
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired,
They are illusions -- They're not the solutions they promised to be,
The answer was here all the time,
I love you and hope you love me.

Don't cry for me, Argentina!
The truth is I never left you,
All through my wild days,
My mad existence.
I kept my promise,
Don't keep your distance.

Have I said too much,
There is nothing more I can think of to say to you . . .
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true!

(From Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Evita")

My heart goes out to Argentina. I pray that their crisis subsides, and that they finally gain a future with promise. Happy New Year, Argentina!!
Wow, that's weird. I've had that song stuck in my head for days now!

"Although I'm dressed up to the nines" Not to sound like I'm nitpicking or anything. It's a good song!

And to our European friends, have fun with your new Euros!

Happy New Year!

To everyone member on this fine site,

Happy New Year and may the coming trip around the sun bring happiness and wisdom.


Happy New Year ET!


I wish your comapny could have seen what I witness last night. When the midnight hour struck, Southampton Docks was abaze with fireworks galore!

Without causing any offence to Matthew Sims, I would just like to reiterate the words that has already been mentioned above and add my sincere and heartful wishes, Lets pray for our fellow man, that the New Year will bring more joy, happiness and become a lot more tolorant, and respectful to the world in general.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Best wishes

Andrew W.
Happy New Year? Well, since midnight I've:

Fallen over the cat.
Managed to set the dishwasher on a permanent cycle which, according to the instruction book is impossible!
Burned a roast chicken.
Broken the DVD player.
Fused the lights on the Christmas tree.

and it's only 3.00pm!!!!!
