Has anyone here gotten to meet a Titanic survivor Or heard one speak

Hi Andrew and Smith,

Millvina Dean is very much alive and she is one of three survivors still living today. I was fortunate to have met her in Southampton in July, and she's a very sweet and wonderful lady.

She is 90 years old, but she can still get around and her mind is as sharp as a whip.

Best regards,

That's neat that there are still some survivors left. I had thought they all died by now. Of course, Millvina would have no memory of Titanic. But still, amazing to have been such a part of history!
Hi Andrew,

You're right, Millvina has no memory of what happened on the Titanic. She just knows what her mother told her.

She is quite a remarkable lady.

Best regards,

The closest I've come to meeting a survivor are the decendants of Katie Gilnagh. Great family! You should see some of the photos they brought to the gatherings that Phil Gowan sponsored!
Titanic passenger survivor Richard Leonard Beckwith is buried in the cemetary behind my property. Does that count? I did a search on this website with the word "Connecticut" and was shocked to find a Titanic passenger only 400 yards from my house! Titanic owner, J.P.Morgan is also buried in the same cemetary.

Andrew: Over the years, I have had the great fortune to meet the following survivors at the THS Conventions: Winnie (Trout) MacKenzie, Margaret (Devaney) O'Neill; Madelyn (Mellinger) Mann; Bertha (Watt) Marshall; Frank Goldsmith; Washington Dodge, Jr.; Frank Aks; George Thomas; Eva Hart; and Ruth Becker. Also, I have corresponded with Mrs. John Snyder, Marshall Drew, and Steward Ray. Finally, I once met survivor Thomas McCormack, not through any THS-related function since he wanted nothing to do with it all, but who lived nearby when I was living in NJ in the early 70s. It was my great honor to have met and corresponded with these wonderful people. Happy Holidays. Dennis
My grandfather, Ernest Persson, was a survivor who died in 1954. I was only 12 or 13 at the time. However, I wasn't aware enough to ask him any questions about the sinking. Thus, I missed a great opportunity to get first hand information. The information that I eventually received was from my father. Once on a vacation in Wisconsin in about 1946, the 3 of us were in a small fishing boat and we turned over in about 20 feet of water. Once again my grandfather had to be rescued by another boat. It wasn't as life threating but he still went into the water again.
One of my teachers in the past was an in-law of a second class passenger. Over time I have forgotten her name.

Charlotte Immel
Hi all, I met three Titanic survivors: Michel Navratil, who also had long chats with me over the phone, Millvina Dean, who still sends me cards and letters, and the wonderful Louise Laroche, who was a real lady, I was really fond of her. I met her very often in the 4 years before she died. She was a wonderful lady, a real friend. I am in touch with almost every French family connected with the Titanic. Can I help in any way?
has anyone met anyone who is related to the sage family..I'd like interesting information thats all It would be so cool to be related to a titanic person or know one...(especially the sages)
Hi Izleta,

I have met a lady who is related to the sages, apart from the genealogy aspect of it, she only knows what she has found on this website. I take it you have looked at their biographies on here.