Helen Østby

I have passed the word along that this is one of the most informative web sites on Titanic I have been too, so I sure hope you have alot of new visiters. The reason I am posting is that I have a 1st edtion copy of ANTR with the signature of a passanger that survived the sinking, her name was Helen R. Ostby...I have made alot of headway finding information on her and her father that was lost, but now I am asking for help! If anybody has any information on Miss Helen R. Ostby or Mr. E.C.Ostby, Please contact me, I would love to talk to you! Thanks so much! Lisa Waller

Lisa Waller
Carrollton, Georgia
Dear Andrew,

That particular picture was taken in the 1960s but younger images do exist. The Providence newspapers ran several photos of Helen and her father in the weeks following the sinking.

Michael Findlay
Hi! I'm in need of help to find information on Helene Ragnhild Ostby. Please inform me of information on her heritage, due to no cultural background uncovered on the site. Just the birth place was found. Thank you.