Help me please any information on Dorathy Gisbon

Hi, Phil!

Thanks for the laugh!

As W.C. Fields once said, "I'd rather have two girls at 21 each than one girl at 42."

(I think I'll retire into the shadows now and come out again in 2003 after things have blown over.)

All my best,

It would seem blondes have more fun.. now somewhere in the archives we have discussed poor Dorothy, her Mama, loves, losses and moment of fame to a fare-thee-well- remember where?

Phil was very naughty posting what amounts to a mug shot or else one of those "before" pictures for a diet scam!

In all fairness to Miss Dorothy she did take a few good photos. I have a silver print from 1926 which shows her looking rather attractive - and youthful for age 37.

Still, if you think Dorothy looks bad in Phil's picture, you should see some of the ones he's got of poor Edith Russell - some real Halloween material there!

Okay, I'll bite. . . are they REALLY both her?? My goodness the first one is a real wrong-side-of-the-bedder! But the second one looks like a star shot form a later period.
Hi Kate,
The first one is Dorothy (yes, sad to burst the bubble). The second one is Hope Hampton Brulatour, the woman Dorothy's husband Jules left her for. I have lots of other family photos of Dorothy and this is the worst, of course. But she really wasn't all that attractive in my opinion. Later photos of her show a kind of harsh looking woman with an unfriendly look about her. I have the last picture taken of her (about 3 months before her death) and it is not too bad. She still had a bit of a harsh look about her but was becoming what I guess would be classified as a "nice looking older woman." Another taken in the 1930's has her looking like a cheap imitation of Olivia DeHavilland with an oversized bow of some sort on her dress--will send a scan to Randy and let him figure out how to describe it.

Randy, re: the Edith Russell photos--well, as my grandmother used to say about Bella Abzug: "She could haunt a nine-room house in the daylight."

I actually have some surprisingly flattering photos of Old Edy as well.

Phil Gowan said;"Randy, re: the Edith Russell photos--well, as my grandmother used to say about Bella Abzug: "She could haunt a nine-room house in the daylight."

Thanks a lot for that one Phil! I just had to get a towel to clean off the mouthful of coffee I sprayed all over my monitor!

Michael H. Standart